Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Preschool Graduation

My little graduate looked so pretty and did such a great job! I was so proud! I just can't believe that next year she is going to be in kindergarten! YIKES!

This year's graduation was super emotional for me. I am guessing that there were several things that played into that. First of all, my own daughter was one of the kids I was saying goodbye to (at least for preschool). Second, it was the first class that I had for multiple years that graduated, and third....hormones....ya know.

I think that the program went pretty well. Of course there are all the little glitches and bugs, and the fact that the performers are 3-5 year olds, but I think all things considered it went well. The kids were adorable, and we learned lots of lessons for next year!
Man I am gonna miss these kids! We had a really great group of kids, and I will miss them all tons!
I am so glad that I get some of these guys back next year!