Wednesday, July 10, 2013

December 2012

 Tori had her first elementary school choir concert (yes, they sang at Veteran's Day, but that was not an official concert...).  She had been looking forward to it for so long and was so thrilled to finally perform.  She sang the songs so often and for so long.  I am pretty sure that most of our family could have performed with them.  

Tor and Lil

Angie and Tori

I am super sentimental. so I am all about traditions!  I post every year about the decorating of the tree, the cooking making, etc.  I don't think that I have ever remembered to post this tradition.
We usually decorate our tree on the Monday night after Thanksgiving as part of our Family Home Evening for the night.  After we finish decorating the tree we turn off all the lights except for the lights on the tree and we eat donuts and drink egg nog while we sing Christmas Carols.  I LOVE this tradition!  I always feel so happy to hear my kids sing those beautiful songs!