Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Owen and his cousin, Graham--they are gonna be TROUBLE!
Grampy was planning his fishing trip with his boys.

So thankful for so much! This Thanksgiving was so different in so many ways. Originally we were supposed to spend Thanksgiving in Colorado with the Whitmill side. Then we were going to spend time with the Peterson side (technically the Eversheds). The plans went back and forth, but we ended up going to SLC. We were so grateful that we already had plans in place, because on Wednesday Grammy called and said that Grandpa Great was in the hospital again, and we should prepare ourselves for the worst. I had no idea how to pack...for a holiday, or a funeral.
Like I said--we have so much to be thankful for this year. Grandpa made it through, and in true Grandpa fashion--he is ready to get back into life asap! What an amazing man! Nothing can slow him down (even having two heart surgeries in less than 48 hours). After a stomach bug swept through the extended family, keeping us all away from the hospital, we were able to go visit Grandpa and Dorothy just before everyone left town. What an amazing holiday gift. We get to keep Grandpa for a while longer.

Four generations--not technically the same line, but close enough.

Grandpa Great and his great grandbabies.

Wise words from a wise man--he had a captive audience, and the lesson that he gave was important. He reminded us that we have been taught that we should have all things in our lives in moderation...all things except for love. He told us to share our love for all things without any kind of restraint. Though it is not a new idea, it was a great reminder! Thanks Grandpa Great! We love you!


Mandi said...

OK, how come I can't click on your pictures to enlarge? I wanted a bigger view of that family shot....Wanna come over tomorrow and make bows?

Erika said...

What a sweet thing to do for your grandpa, I am sure he loved having all those great-grandbabies around. Call me, I need to get my cards and give you 10 bucks!