Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Last week we took Owen and Lizzie to the doctor. Owen was retested for RTA. We were hoping that they would tell us that there was no need for medication anymore. Unfortunately he has actually gotten worse. So sad! More medicine it is. He is 22.7 (10%) pounds...yup...that's it. Not even 22 1/2, but so close! He is 30 3/4 inches tall (25%), and his head is averaging out a little to 47 1/2 (50%). That's my big head baby!

Lizzie is up to the 50% mark in weight at 30.2 lbs. Way to go Liz! Her height is 37 3/4 (60%). Where did this average sized child come from anyway? I know you are all bored by this info, but hey--I am a terrible record keeper, so this is for me.