Monday, July 11, 2011

Owen's injury

Well, since I had absolutely nothing to do the day before our BIG preschool program, Owen decided to fill my hours with an ER visit. He is always so thoughtful!

As I have said before, this boy has no regard for his own welfare. He runs full out and is an absolute juggernaut! While running around the main floor of our house he took a header into the corner of a wall. Those pesky walls are always getting in the way! We raced over to the urgent care where they took one look at him and sent him to the Children's Hospital ER. By that point he was more upset about the fact that we were holding a towel on his head and wouldn't just put on a "Ka-Chow Band-Aid" than the fact that he was bleeding profusely from his head.
(For those of you that don't speak 3 year old boy, Ka-Chow would be Lightening McQueen. Thankfully the urgent care bandaged his head to get us to the hospital.
When we finally got to the hospital (and realized that poor Lizzie didn't even have shoes on, and Mom had barely enough time to get clothes on after hopping out of the shower) and the boy was the least upset member of our pathetic little clan.
He was calm, other than being slightly annoyed. The most traumatic part was the irrigating of the wound.

The boy actually slept through the stitches. After seven stitches, life was grand! Add a green popsicle on there for good measure and all is well!


Less than two months later, my handsome prince decided to liven up my day yet again. As a special treat for my birthday, he decided that the back of his head needed some love and attention. After hanging off the arm of the recliner upside down and backward, then FALLING off the recliner, he split open the back of his head on the hearth. Gee...who could have possibly seen that one coming? (Forgive the iPod my rush I didn't grab the regular camera.)
This is his "brave face." Notice the bandage on his forehead from ripping open the previous wound. I had to keep him occupied while we waiting for the doctors, so he took pictures of everything.
This time we just needed three staples. Note to time, go with stitches! Less traumatic putting them in and definitely less traumatic getting them out (since they were the kinds that dissolve).
Then I got to spend my afternoon cleaning the carpets...


Ruth said...

Oh, I am sorry. I am glad he is alright. I hope you had a nice birthday.