Friday, November 4, 2011

Swim Lessons

Better late than never? I am attempting to catch up...again.

Well, we did swim lessons a little differently this summer. This year we went to "Nana's pool" and did lessons with some of the cousins. It was really fun to be able to watch the cousins together, and I must admit that it was nice for mommy to sit and watch while chatting with two of my sisters. Tori took lessons with Hunter and Lil. She has always been the most cautious of my three little monkeys, but I think having her cousins with her pushed her to try a little harder. Liz was in lessons with Sophie and Marlee. The three of them are close enough in age and ability that basically, they played in the water together and were very easily distracted. They had a blast though.
My boy has never really known how to be cautious, and the swimming pool really doesn't intimidate him. He had a blast in his swimming class with Makenna. They got a lot of alone time with their teacher....sorry for the teacher!
Since each lesson was 30 minutes and there were never two groups together in the pool at the same time, that meant that each child spent at least an hour outside of the pool waiting on the other siblings. Those were actually some of my favorite times. I loved watching them all walk around the pool and chat, but I have to terrified me. Tell me you can't see them as teenagers...


Mandi said...

So cute!!! I need those pics!