Monday, January 18, 2010

New Year, New Experiences

2010 has already offered us many new opportunities, but among the first few were these:
Lizzie's new hair cut! She looks super cute, and she loves it because it takes Mommy less time to do it (Mommy loves it because there is a lot less screaming involved!).

The before shots

and the after shots. LOVE IT! Thanks, Aunt Manda!
Lucky for you, we didn't take pictures of Tori's new experience. She finally cracked her head open. We knew it would happen, we just assumed it would be either Owen or Lizzie. She cracked it pretty good, but we didn't think it needed stitches. She has a nice scar now though! Apparently the universe thought that somebody needed to go to the hospital though. The next day my niece ended up at the hospital after nearly cutting her finger off in the church door during primary. Nice, Soph!
Last, but certainly not least, my little man was showing off on the ladder in his sisters' room and fell off. I was so used to the sound of his tumbling that I didn't worry about it too much until the screaming started. By the time I made it up there he had bled on the carpet, the clothes, the stuffed animals, and himself. Awesome. These pictures were taken a day or two later, and you can't really see the damage, but you get the idea.
Happy 2010...hope this isn't a sign of things to come!