Monday, January 18, 2010


The new year started off a little different than expected. Papa went into the hospital to have minor surgery. Unfortunately the surgery was much more extensive than we anticipated and they found another tumor. It has been 2 1/2 years since they found the first tumor. We were all a little upset. The worst news for Dad though, was the fact that he would be in the hospital longer than expected. The first week went by. All of us girls went to visit him regularly, but because of H1N1 no kids were allowed in to visit. Papa was getting pretty lonely for his little ones, so we paid him a visit with ALL 11 kids. Of course we didn't bring them in, but they had a message for their Papa.
I went to visit him earlier that day and scoped out a place that we could stand all eleven of them so that Papa could see them. They each colored one piece of the sign and then stood there waiting for him. We could barely make him out when he came to the window, but we could see him well enough to see him wipe a tear from his eye. I love the picture below where you can see his reflection in the window looking down at the kids. He loves them so much, and we all love him!! We are so thankful that he came home and is doing so well! We love you!