Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Even though I had no camera and had to take pictures on my iPod, Easter was great. I am so sad that I don't have better pictures, but I guess I should be grateful that I have any pictures at all. Anyway--we had fun dying Easter eggs with our cousins, Marlee and Makenna. Although I am not really sure if they were more excited about the eggs, or the donuts Manda brought for afterward....

Easter morning was....EARLY. Having church at 9 AM means that if you want to do Easter breakfast/egg hunt/Easter Bunny gifts, you have to be up early early early.
Fortunately it didn't take long to break through the yawns and into the fun! They loved hunting for the eggs, and Owen loved opening each one to find the sugary treasure.

Let me just say--my kids looked GREAT for Easter! I wish that I had a good picture because they were absolutely adorable!!

We had a lot of fun. I love seeing Easter through their eyes, where everything is exciting and magical. Most of all I love remembering why we celebrate and being thankful to the Lord for the gifts that we have been given, most importantly His sacrifice. I am thankful that I have the chance to work with the little ones in our congregation and teach them about the Savior, and help them to understand why these holidays are so important. It helps me to keep my mind and my heart in the right place.