Sunday, April 6, 2008

Soccer Season

Well, tori has been going to her cousins' soccer games for years. She has begged to play and it is finally her turn! We started soccer practices several weeks ago, and we just had game number three. Tori was SO excited to make her first goal! She scored twice during this "game." What you have to understand is, at age 4 it is really more of socializing event. Half the time there are parents holding the kids hands trying to convince them to stay on the field and play. The other half of the time the parents are on the field taking pictures. It is a pretty funny 45 minute event. Tori is having a blast, and you should all consider yourselves invited to her Saturday morning games! They are super entertaining!
Tori looks like she is about to kick, but she really isn't. Logan got this one.
YES! She actually kicked this one.
This is Tori's usual position, running behind the pack.


This Girl said...

How cute is she! I love to watch little kids play sports. They are so funny!