Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day!

I am so blessed by the wonderful fathers in my life. I don't have great pictures of all of them, but I wanted to give a shout out to my each of them. First of all to my wonderful Dad. The man who raised me, and is SO much a part of who I am today. He is the reason I married a man with a painfully corny sense of humor. He is the reason I have a decent lawn and garden. He is the reason I lecture my kids the way I was lectured for so many years. He is the reason behind so many things in my life. He feeds us all every Sunday, and still loves us after those 2-3 long hours of chaos! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DAD!

I have a wonderful father in law who has shown so much love to me and my family since the first time we met (even though he intimidated the ever loving daylights out of me!). He is a great example to me of patience, and calm. He adores his grandbabies! He raised a son who is now an incredible father to my children.

My wonderful husband, and the very best daddy I could ever hope for to raise our children. He is SO aware of me, of my emotions, me needs, my wants, my EVERYTHING! He absolutely loves our children, and loves the time he gets to spend with them. Not only that, but he takes advantage of every opportunity he is given to spend quality time with them. He wrestles them, plays games with them, takes the to the zoo, reads them stories, makes their meals, and generally adores them! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!


So here is how we celebrated.
1-Liz and Tor were up at 6 AM and wanted to make breakfast, so I gave in and we made bacon, eggs, sausage, hasbrowns, and sticky buns for Daddy--then we wrote him a very special song to sing to him while he ate

2-PRESENTS! Ignore the Christmas paper, that's all I had that wasn't pink, ok? Shorts, outdoor games, a chair massager (no, it doesn't massage the chair, smarty pants!), and a new board game (complete with expansion). He was pretty stoked!

3-Play with the wrapping and leave a huge mess right before...


5-Water the garden

6-Chicken wings at Nana and Papa's with big old build your own sundaes!

A great day for some truly amazing men!