Sunday, June 7, 2009

A twister!

During our wonderful Relief Society lesson about preparedness (THANK YOU MINDY!!), we started to hear rain fall and tornado sirens. Being from Colorado, we mostly ignored them...until the hail hit. Then we were all shuffled into bathrooms. I tried frantically to find my family. Tom had Liz and O, and I finally found Tori. We hung out in the bathrooms singing primary songs for a while, then we were herded into the chapel and cultural hall, where we waited for these to disappear...

FYI--All photos were stolen from other people...hope you don't mind! Thanks for being braver than I am!

Yeah--it was an interesting day at church. That's for sure. Luckily there was no damage to our house, and only slight hail damage to our garden (GOLF BALL sized hail! YIKES!). Smacks you in the face with what's really important, doesn't it?


Mandi said...

You're welcome for being the big, brave, baby sister. = P Glad you used my pic, because 9 news didn't...slackers.