Sunday, June 28, 2009

SO tired!

I DID IT! Yesterday I ran a half marathon...ok, technically I didn't run the whole time, but the vast majority was spent running, and hey, it is 13+ miles, so walking for short distances is acceptable. Anyway--it was awesome. I have never had any desire to run....anywhere...for any reason. I used to do anything to get out of running in PE. Up until now pretty much all of my running has been for things involving my kids (saving their lives, removing dangers, etc.). I have to toot my own horn a little--I got over my dislike for running and have already done both a 10K and a half marathon this summer. Maybe it is the fact that I am turning 30 soon, but I am feeling like I kind of need to prove myself. Well--I am sore, I am tired, and I am happy! I think that I will be slowing down at this point. After all, my old bones can't take too much more, right? I will run the 5K next weekend, then perhaps I will be done for a while.

Yeah--the look on my face is that of sheer disbelief--what am I doing here?

Really--if you are gonna run for 13+ miles, this is the way to do it. It was so beautiful!


I only had my cell phone to take pics with, so you will have to be content with that for now. Luckily Trav had the camera at the finish line, so those pics will come soon!


This Girl said...

You are so amazing!! Way to go!

Jill said...

Good job! I can't believe that you just started running and you did a half marathon--that is really impressive!

I still have yet to decide if I'm running this weekend. I'm so sore!

Stevenson's said...

GO JENN!! Nice job. Good for you. I would totally hop on the running train if I had scenery like that... right.. wink wink.

Erika said...

You are getting so OLD! You should look into some better insurace coverage if you are going to continue running hard core!

I am so proud of you granny!

Perry Family said...

JEN! You are Awesome...and a little bit Crazy! Great Job!

El Tigre said...

Pretty awesome! In fact I was telling Angie that it suprises me that you didn't run when you were younger because I think you're built to be a distance runner. Way to go on the half marathon!

Katrina said...

I am so jealous! You did great and it did look very beautiful. Good job!