Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I wasn't going to do a bday post for myself, but my friends guilted me into it.
So, here you go...thirty? You can't be serious! In my head I am still 22...yes, 22. I'm not sure why, but for some reason, that is the age that sticks. It is definitely NOT that strange number with a 3 in the front! I am struggling just a little bit. I really loved my twenties. I did a lot of great stuff in my twenties...I got married, graduated from college, started my career, had three beautiful children, moved several times, and more recently, learned to run and ran some big races, and learned a lot about myself. I will miss my twenties, and that young feeling that you get when you tell people that you are still in your twenties, but oh well. I am sure my thirties will be great! I got to celebrate my big bday with Susie and my three little ones at the museum. We had a lot of fun. Then my hubby brought me roses and took me out to a fabulous dinner at a great Indian restaurant. Then we went shopping...he even suffered through Archiver's with very few complaints. My real hero! I get to celebrate again in August when we go to Cirque Du Soleil! YAY! That will be so fun! So there you go. Quit bugging me about posting my bday....


Christina said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like it was wonderful. I am still stuck at 22 also. :)

Mandi said...

Eeeeeeuuuwwww, you're old. Just kidding, I kinda fee like I am stuck at 21 if it makes you feel any better. Oh well...30 is the new 20 right? Glad you had a good birthday old lady... how bout we do something super cool for my 30th for the both of us?

Ruth said...

Happy Birthday!