Friday, December 25, 2009


As is the Whitmill tradition, our first Christmas Eve activity was the annual devotional. This year we participated with several other families in our stake. It is the best way to start the holiday! We get to start the festivities by remembering our Savior, and the reason for all the celebrations! This year we decided to take some family pictures before we went to the devotional. Hey--with 11 grandbabies, you take what you can get. I actually think that they turned out pretty well!

Then....there were the ones of our little family...we were not so fortunate...

Just so we didn't feel too bad about our family pics...Liz did a little performance throughout the large group pictures. Here is a sampling of her work.

Next we went to Nana and Papa's house. We ate our traditional Christmas Eve dinner, and opened presents--starting with new pj's!

Then of course we had Christmas morning at our house. We had a GREAT Christmas with so many things to be thankful for!


me said...

Oh my gosh. I love that collage of Liz. Best thing ever.

Mandi said...

Of course, you would pickt the ONE picture I have my eyes closed in....nice!