Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My baby is SIX?!?

It is hard to believe that Tori is already six! This has been such a big year for her! She started "big girl" school this year, and even though it is only half day she is learning tons and growing like crazy in every way! I am so proud of this little princess. She is in a special reading group once a week with the "GT" teacher. She started at the beginning of the year because there were so few kids in kindergarten that were reading that the teacher wanted to have a way to encourage them to continue. She is learning a lot of social things too, which is really exciting and really scary at the same time. She asks questions constantly, she is an amazing writer, and her imagination is fabulous. I am a very proud mama! She never ceases to amaze me.
She reads the scriptures all by herself. She loves to say prayers and is really starting to learn how to be aware of the needs of others and she takes those needs to the Lord. She is also learning how to manipulate her siblings, which I don't love. She still wants desperately to please people though, so when we tell her that she is being a "bully" she gets all upset.
Tori is still running a little bit small for her age, but she is definitely catching up! She is in the 60% for height (46 inches) and the 25% for weight (41 lbs) which puts her in the 5% for bmi. A little shrimpy still, but getting there. She dropped a tiny bit in the weight rankings, but looking at her that isn't a shock. She shot up in height though! Thanks for the height genes Daddy, 'cause that definitely didn't come from me.
All in all she is a beautiful, healthy, smart, fun and energetic young lady, and she is a great big sister. Tori, we are so blessed to have you in our family, and we love you so much!


Larissa said...

Let's talk about height issues when I have kids...