Friday, February 19, 2010

My Baby?!?

Well, I guess I have to give in and admit that he is no longer my baby...Owen is TWO today. I can hardly stand it. I love this kid so much! He makes me so incredibly happy. He has so much energy! I am having a blast learning about all things boy! He is all about wrestling and physical interaction. The kids wants to take down anything and everything in his path. The problem is, he has no idea that he is smaller than almost all of those obstacles. He jumped up into the 10% for weight this year(24 lb 4 oz)--quite the accomplishment! Last year he was only in the 5%. He dropped down to the 8% for height though (31 1/2 inches). He was only in the 10% last year though, so it wasn't a huge drop. Owen is incredibly active and has taken more falls than the girls combined, yet they don't seem to bother him nearly as much.
He sleeps well (at night anyway) and eats...well...sometimes. The doctor told us not to take him off his whole milk, at least for now. I think that they are still hoping that he will gain some weight. Good luck with that...
At two this little man is in LOVE with "Ka-Chows." For those of you that don't speak this language, that would be Lightening McQueen and the other cars from the movie CARS. He loves Mater and McQueen the best. He will take several cars to bed with him rather than any blanket or stuffed animal.
This guy brings me so much joy! He keeps us all on our toes and he will keep us fit because he will not hold still. His sisters adore him, and as much as I try to get upset at him and scold him when necessary, his little mannerisms and faces melt me. He will grab the sides of my face and tell me "I done mama" and kiss me. Seriously--how are you supposed to discipline that?!? Don't worry--he has seen his fair share of time outs, but it isn't easy. Owen--you are my man, my angel, and I love you! I hope you are always so full of life that you can't help but infect those around you!