Thursday, May 22, 2008

Flowers and Hives

On Tuesday our ward planted flowers at the Denver temple. It was a great activity! Tom was barely home in time to join us, so being the ever prepared (and painfully pale) mother that I am, I had the kids sunscreened, with their hats on and in the car when he got home. By the time we got to the temple Lizzie was completely breaking out in hives on her face. She was having a reaction to the sunscreen, and to matter how much we tried to wipe her down she just kept getting more red and more swollen. Poor little munchkin. She did not have a great time, for obvious reasons, but Tori loved it! She wore her gardening hat, of course, and with the adult sized gloves and the spade, she was ready to rock!

Don't leave home without the gardening hat!

Poor little pumpkin!


kim said...

hey jenn. wasn't the temple trip so fun? do not worry about lizzie. you were just trying to think of her not getting burned.