Sunday, April 12, 2009

General Conference

I'm a week late, but here is a synopsis of our conference weekend.

We invaded the Monson home for the Saturday morning session of conference. This kids seemed to really get a lot out of it like...


The Priesthood session was a little more least for the boys.

The Sunday session was much quieter . We appreciate Nana and Papa's hospitality, and their yummy food. Thanks for putting up with us. We don't have pictures, but it was a much calmer scene. On a more serious note, I found conference to be so comforting. The world is in such turmoil. I have felt scared and insecure. After listening to the speakers on Sunday I felt much more calm, and I felt a deeper resolve to study the scriptures and find my peace there. I am thankful for the peace and knowledge that I can receive daily in the scriptures, and from the mouths of our prophet and apostles on a regular basis.