Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Result is IN!

Jenn: "I need to talk to you." (Shut and lock bedroom door) "I want to show you something."

Tom: "So...I'm looking right here...right?"

Jenn: "Yeah...(tearing up slightly)"

Tom: "So, two lines, is yes...right?"

Jenn: "Yeah...are you ok?"

Tom: "I..."

Jenn: After waiting several very LONG seconds..."You are such a SUCKER!!!"

Happy April Fool's babe! I hope you forgive me soon, but it was TRULY hilarious!


Jill said...

Oh how I've wanted to do that! How did you get a positive test?

Christina said...

Hahaha! That is hilarious!!!

Perry Family said...

LOVE IT!!!! I wasn't sure you'd go through with it....but I'm glad you did!!!! You are an inspiration to me! You should have brought your husband home a bigger scoop of ice cream...he earned it!

Amber said...

That's a great one! We had some friends put a "For Rent" sign up in a window. I was totally fooled!

Angie said...

Oh, what I would have given to see it.

Mandi said...

You are such a drama queen, no wonder he bought it. I would have had you figured out in 2 seconds. Good job sis, I'm proud. LOVE IT!

Erika said...

Tom, you're a good sport. Jenn you are mean!!!! Josh would have freaked out.

Mama Lara said...

That is SO cruel...and yet, I find it pretty darn funny! If I did that to my husband, after having 3 already, he would have performed a vasectomy on himself, right then and there. After he got up off the floor from fainting, of course. Poor Thomas, but one for the books Jen! Love you!