Sunday, June 1, 2008

Splash Park

Yes, we went to the splash park...finally! The kids had a blast! Other than Sophie's minor catastrophe, it was uneventful and quite entertaining.

Lizzie was not sunscreened on her face, for obvious reasons, so Manda brought her a hat to wear. Tori was not to be outdone, so of course, she brought...her gardening hat!
Liz loved splashing in the water on the ground, and running near the fountains.
Tori had an all around blast and was soaked the majority of the time. Her favorite discovery was floating shoes! YAY for plastic footwear. She found puddles all around the park and sailed her shoes. We are so happy to have FINALLY found spring!

Tori, Lily and Marlee ran around like crazy. Every so often they met the rest of our group, Shane, Jace, Cambri, and Kate. Too many kids having too much fun!

Owen was an absolute angel. He sat in the stroller the whole time without a peep (sleeping most of the time of course).
We will definitely be going back often throughout the summer!


Adventures In The Land Of Hahl said...

What a fun time! The spray park is such a fun place. I love that Tori wore her gardening hat. Isn't it nice that we FINALLY have warm weather. Seems like it took forever this year!

kim said...

i like your background. that is so fun you went to the spray park as a family. what cute kids you have too. thanks for your comments on my blog.

Christina said...

Oh how fun! I told Mandi you guys should let me know when you go next. I bet Grey would love it!