Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My nephew, Hunter, is being baptized this weekend, and I have been trying to explain it to my kids. Tori is very aware of her age/rank in the family, and she doesn't like that there are so many cousins older than she is. The worst part is that all three cousins that are older happen to have summer birthdays, and hers is in the dead of winter. Anyway--in discussing birthdays, age order, baptism, etc., Tori and I had the following conversation:

Me: "Hunter will be eight soon, that means that he gets to be baptized."

Tori: "Will I get baptized too?"

M: "Yup, when you turn eight."

T: "Does that mean I get to get baptized before Lily?"

M: "No, Lily is older than you, remember? She just turned five on her last birthday."

T: "So, it's Hunter, then Lily, then me?"

M: "No, Hunter is first, then Jake, then Lily, then you."

T: "So I will turn eight after Lily?"

M: "Yup"

T: sniffle sniffle

M "What's wrong Tor?"

T: "Mom, I don't want to die..."

HUH?? I still don't understand the conversation, but I am pretty sure that there was a miscommunication somewhere. We were in the car, so one can never tell what the other is actually hearing--especially when on of the people is FOUR! Once she was sure she wasn't going to die, she was ok with turning eight, being baptized, and life in general.


Angie said...

Thanks for the chuckle! She is so funny. We're g;ad she'll be able to join us for Hunter's big day.

kim said...

You guys are so funny. I would love to be a fly on the wall at your house. Tori is so sweet.

Mandi said...

HA HA HA HA! Oh my gosh, sh emakes me laugh. What a little weirdo. We'll see you TOMORROW.....assuming I make it there!