Thursday, August 14, 2008

One of those days...

As mothers I think we all have "those days." You all know what I'm talking 8:15 AM you are thinking "Why did I get out of bed?" Well, sometimes those days sneak up on you. Today snuck up from behind, caught me, and laughed in my face--HARD!
Thursdays are Tom's late days, so I am almost always alone with the kids in the evening. We are all pretty used to the routine. Tonight was similar--Owen screaming, girls giggling and squealing, and mom...surviving. Owen would only calm down if he was held, so I strapped on the Snuggly and started boiling the noodles for dinner. He was still throwing a fit when I attempted to strain the noodles. After one nicely placed kick from Owen, the noodles were not on the in the pot, nor in the colander. Do you know what it smells like when noodles sit on a hot burner? I do! Owen went downstairs to scream in his crib. Eventually we started to eat and I bit my lip so hard that I was crying and bleeding, and the girls wanted to bandage the inside of my mouth, and Owen is still screaming. I am SO not amused.
I have been trying so hard to be patient with the girls, but I am losing it at this point. I have two options: 1-scream at the girls, shove them in their room and hope for the best, 2-try to do something fun and keep them occupied until bed time. COOKIES IT IS! M and M cookies no less. The girls are thrilled. We start to make the cookies, and Mommy's finger gets tightly pinched in the measuring cup deal, then while fishing the flour out of the brand new bag, Mommy gets a nasty paper cut. OH MY GOSH! This MUST be candid camera!
The cookies finally go into the oven. "Girls, go potty and get ready to get your jammies on."
Tori and Lizzie run into the bathroom to take care of business, and I have Tori watching Lizzie carefully (she has nasty habits previously mentioned in this blog) to avoid further incident. Owen is now upstairs (still screaming) in his Bumbo seat, and now he SMELLS! I take Owen into the girls' room to change his pants on their rug and ... poop everywhere! Nice job little man. It is on the rug and on his clothes. Tori runs in (naked) to help. She is holding his hands while I attempt to wipe him down. The wipes run out. I race downstairs to get more wipes. Meanwhile Owen has stuck his feet in his poo, then kicked both of his arms and his belly. Now it really is everywhere! Cue the telephone ringing, and the beeping of the oven timer--COOKIES ARE DONE! Oh, and don't worry, here comes the holler from the bathroom--"Mommy, I made poopies!"
AAAAA! Domestic Goddess is a title I deserve! Now I have three sleeping kids, fresh unburned cookies, a sink full of dishes, too much laundry, and the potent smell of carpet cleaner. This is the life!


This Girl said...

I cannot believe that you didn't loose it! I am so impressed! I would have lost it big time, I don't deal well with stress.

Krissy said...

You did well. I think would have opted for option #1 unfortunately. You are more experienced and wiser than I. Tomorrow will be a better day!!

Adventures In The Land Of Hahl said...

now that is what i call an adventure!! food issues, poop issues and bleeding all in the same night. sounds like a party! hope today is going better for you! ;)

kim cherry said...

oh jenn! i even read that entry to stephan as it is the perfect "bad day" us mom have. i feel your pain. that description put me right there with ya. here's to domestic goddess-ship to you!!! well earned indeed!

kim said...

Well Jenn- what can I say? You are so not alone. We all have those days. Sorry your's was so crummy. Need a dinner? I think I should repay you for bringing us dinner. You are a great mom-hang in there.

Stevenson's said...

Can I just say thank you so much for posting that!! I feel like that just about every day. Good job with handling it all very well. And why is it that the kids are usually so well behaved for my husband? Maybe it's just me?! Glad you survived that day. miss u

Larissa said...

Oh my goodness! Ok, so maybe this is rude, but I totally had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud as I read this at work. You POOR dear, but looking back you seriously have to realize the hilariousness of all of this! I love you! Oh yeah, and I am SO glad it isn't me:-) I'm still single for a reason!

Jill said...

And who said life as a mother isn't glamorous?

I'm surprised you actually made the cookies rather than sitting down with the entire bowl of dough. Not that that's something I would do. I've just heard sometimes that happens.