Monday, May 25, 2009

Bolder Boulder Baby!

Katrina and I at about 6:30...getting ready to leave for Boulder.

I RAN the Bolder Boulder! No, seriously, I did! I RAN the entire 10 K. Not only that, but I completely sprinted the end! I am SUPER excited. I know that I didn't have the fasted time, but for me, I did really well. I am really proud of myself. I did exactly what I set out to do, and I feel great about it! Thanks Allie for all the training, and thanks to Katrina and Erica too for the practice runs! I will be proud of my 64 minute finish time, at least until next year when I do it in LESS!!

Check back for the pics that the other girls are gonna send me...I didn't have a camera at the start or the finish.. :( These super fabulous pics were taken from my cell phone! Hey--at least there is some record, eh?


I was a little bummed when I talked to Tom just after I passed the 9K mark and he told me that there was no way that he would be at the finish line in time. I ended up seeing him just a few seconds later, and my wonderful husband and three beautiful cheerleaders gave me the energy to KICK IT for the last hill and through the stadium. It was an incredible feeling to move faster than I ever have and finish the race like a champion! Thanks for your support babe, it made a big difference!

Tori was happy to celebrate with me when I FINALLY found them (about 45 minutes after I finished the race).


This Girl said...

Way to go!!!! That is so amazing that you sprinted at the end, there's no way I would be able to do that.

Lindsay said...

Great job, Jenn! Wish I could have run it with you guys!

Jill said...

Good job! I still am amazed at how fast you became a good runner. And I'm so happy to hear you talk about next year!

Ruth said...

Good job, that is awesome!