Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Yummy breakfast this year! I think I liked it even better than last year's. It was croissant french toast with a raspberry and cream sauce. Let me just list a few of the calorie free ingredients for you: heavy whipping cream, vanilla ice cream, croissants, etc. In other words YUM!!

The breakfast in bed came with live music by a percussion, percussion, percussion, and vocals band. Yeah, that's a LOT of percussion! They had a song all worked out (thanks Dad) and performed it wonderfully...well, Tori did. Liz pretty much just screeched and danced around the room. Still very fun to watch!

The girls each gave me a teddy bear--just what I was hoping for! I got a scrapbook table and a SPA shower head from my hubby. All the guys cleaned up after our family dinner (shout out Tom, Ty, and Trav!!). It was a great day!
Now...what am I supposed to come up with for father's day???


Christina said...

I think my hubby needs to take a lesson from yours. :) I could definitely go for a breakfast like that!