Friday, July 11, 2008

Lizzie is 2!!

Well, I am totally copying a friend on this one. Mindy did posts detailing the births of each of her boys, and I thought that was a neat way to document the event. I will be doing one for each of my babies on their birthdays. Today is Lizzie's birthday. In some ways it is so hard to believe that she is already two, and in other ways I can barely believe that she is only two. Either way, the story went like this...

Mid June--high cramp in my belly--way too high and constant to be a contraction, but since it was after hours for the doctor, they wanted me to go to the hospital to have everything checked out. I vividly remember telling everyone on the way in that I was NOT in labor, and would be heading out soon. Well, I was in labor, and progressing nicely. Unfortunately for me, Lizzie wasn't due until August. This little ordeal left me on bed rest--with a two year old and a husband in a new job. Not the best scenario, so my fabulous sister in law, Susie, came out to stay with us! She took care of everything, and my family and friends pitched in to help too. We are still so grateful for the huge blessings we received. Four weeks later, I was taken off bed rest. Susie left that night at around 7 PM and my water broke around midnight. Poor Susie was here for four weeks and didn't even get to be here for the best part. Anyway--because my first delivery had gone so quickly, and because I was in labor for about four weeks, the doctors said that I would need to rush to the hospital if my water broke. My mom came over to stay with the sleeping Tori, and Tom and I were off...until we hit the highway closure. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?

We finally made it to the emergency entrance--dripping wet. I walked the halls for over three hours and then gave up. I told them that I was ready for pitocin. I laid down, they started it, and then I asked for my epidural. The anesthesiologist had just finished putting it in and she told me that I had barely any medicine in me, but I could use the button to get more. Before I got to push the button, the nurse moved it away and said it was time to push. SERIOUSLY? Anyway--about 30 minutes later Eliza Gail Peterson was born. July 11, 2006 at 6:52 AM. She weighed 6 lbs 10 oz (and they considered her a preemie! HA!) and was 20 inches long. She is the only kid that I have had any complications with, she is the only baby that had her name picked out ahead of time, and she is as stubborn now as she was then. She always wants things HER way! We joke that it is a "Horton Hatches the Egg" story because Liz looks a lot like her Aunt Susie. That is her story--certainly the most eventful, and the most fun to tell!

Happy birthday my princess! We love you and are so thankful for you!

A special shout out to Uncle Ty for remembering her special day and bringing slurpees for all the kids--it is our "7-11 baby" tradition now!

Since we were having her party later, we decided that going to Cici's for dinner and Baskin Robbins for dessert would have to do for a birthday celebration. When you add in the balloon "pegasus" and the "candy game" in the mini arcade, it was a great day!


kim said...

Happy Birthday Lizzie. Hope you had a great day! She is so cute, Jenn!

kim cherry said...

oh my, what an ordeal! but look at the beautiful gift you received at the end of it all! happy birthday sweet lizzie!