Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Ok, so I completely forgot to take pictures of Tori's all about me poster,but we have had some new favorites lately, so that will have to do. Tori has been in love with blue for as long as I can remember. Recently she decided that her favorite color was pink--like her cousin Lily. Initially she said "Mom, pink is my favorite color, like Lily, but only when I am in the car. When I'm out of the car, my favorite color is still blue." We have since transitioned to full time pink favorite! (Hence the pinkalicious post.)

The new favorite that cracks me up is her new favorite book. She rarely leaves home without it, she sleeps with it, and it even went to church with us. What is this phenomenal book, you ask?

Yes, it is a field guide for bird watchers. It was from a class that Tom and I were both forced to take in college (I HATED it, he LOVED it...go figure). She always asks me to open it to the Tennessee Warbler page...what a weirdo.

That's my girl...or maybe that is Daddy's girl.


Angie said...

OH! I totally remember that class! I'm with you, not so great. Field trip to the wetlands of Provo!! Thanks for the memory.

kim said...

your family is so funny-love reading your blog. glad you are finally in your house. let me know if i can help out in any way.

Susie said...

Yes, definitely Daddy's girl. Haha!

Adventures In The Land Of Hahl said...

love love love the bird book! how cute is that??