Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First day of school

Yesterday was Tori's first day of school. Yes, it is still preschool, but don't tell her that! She is in love with school, learning, friends, and all that comes with being a "big girl."

Tori in her first day of school outfit.
Tori with Ms. Tara

What an adorable class!


Mandi said...

She is such a big girl. And sooooo pretty. I love her!

kim cherry said...

well, she certainly left an impression on noah. last night he says (and i quote) "there is one hot chick in my class." i say: oh, who is that? (while trying hard not to laugh out loud) he says: "tori. i felt her arm/skin once and it was hot." are these two incredibly cute together or what????? :)