Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2 out of 3

Two of my three little ones had birthdays this month, which means that two of my three little ones needed visits with the doctor, and of course some shots too.
Tori was 37.2 lbs (30%) and 42 1/2 inches (50%). That is quite a breakthrough for this little munchkin. She has always been pretty little, so being that close to average is quite an accomplishment! She also had four shots, which, apparently, she went straight to school and told everyone about. Her friend Noah got right in the car with his dad and told him the whole saga. She was totally limping all day! What a drama queen!
Owen was not so big. He is still dropping in his growth curve, so in addition to his three shots they drew blood (after several fishing attempts). My poor little guy. He is only 19 lbs 3.5 oz (5%). Keep in mind that Tori had not even hit 18 1/2 lbs by this point--which I think was the 10% for girls, but because he is a boy, I guess he is supposed to be bigger. He is 28 inches tall which only puts him in the 10% for height. I knew he wasn't huge, but I didn't think that he was tiny either! His head is still big, but somehow I feel like I must revoke his title of "Jimmy Fatman." Sorry Soph--I don't know that she will have any idea what to call him...