Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Seven years!!!

I have been thinking about this post for so long, that I can't believe that it is a day late. There is so much that the world should know about how blessed I have been in my life, and especially over the last seven years! When I met the love of my life on December 5, 1998 I was immediately attracted to him (even though we were both dating other people). We flirted like crazy and finally found our way out of other relationships and into a relationship together. We dated for several months. On September 1, 1999 I thought my life was over. He left me for two years. I have NEVER been dependent on another person, but at that point I felt more alone than I had ever been. I realized that he was more a part of me than I could have ever imagined. Those were two VERY long years (as my family and roommates will attest) but on September 5, 2001 everything was back just the way it had been...only better. I am thankful that he served a mission. I am thankful for what we both learned during those two years. Even though there were some very painful times, I will be forever grateful for the friends, family, and my Savior that watched over me and comforted me.
On October 12, 2001 he proposed...in a pumpkin. On February 16, 2002 we were married in the Denver Temple. So much of that day was a blur, and yet there are several VERY vivid memories. I remember being completely calm the night before, and even getting ready that morning. I remember being nervous that I would mess something up, but not second guessing our decision at all. I remember being so in love that I could not be bothered with little things, I didn't care what we ate, where we were, whatever. All that mattered was that I was with this man that would accompany me through eternity. One of my most vivid memories is actually sleeping in the same bed....being together over night. I had been at BYU, so there was a strict 12:00 AM curfew to follow. No being together (at least not indoors) after midnight. Being able to fall asleep together, feeling that safety, peace, and bliss was so wonderful.
Seven years and three kids later our anniversaries are celebrated much differently (Sam's Club vs The Anniversary Inn), but the love is only stronger. Now I have trouble sleeping when he isn't there...I just need him to hold me so that I can sleep. I am so thankful to have a worthy priesthood holder, an amazing husband, a true companion in my life that loves me...ALL of me! I am thankful to have someone who helps me with house work, kids, and, if I beg he will even give his opinion on crafting matters! I have been incredibly blessed! Happy anniversary to the most perfect man for me! We both have our faults, but even those tend to fit perfectly! I love you so much!


Christina said...

Happy Anniversary! What a sweet post. :)