Monday, February 9, 2009

My Baby Turns FIVE!

I can hardly believe that she is already five. Time really does fly, and I am trying so hard to savor every moment! I am stealing this idea from a friend (again), but I want my kids to be able to look back and know the story of their birth, so here is Tori's.
I found out that I was pregnant when I couldn't possibly stand the heart burn any more. I took several tests (I had taken two that both came back negative, so I had to take three tests that turned out positive before I believed them). I was also served with legal papers the same day...the universe always finds a way to make sure that the balance is never too far off. Anyway--I was horribly sick every single day of the pregnancy! None of this first trimester bliss. I was due on February 3, 2004. I was teaching first grade at Draper Elementary School, and we were going on a field trip on February 3. I was sure that if by some odd chance I hadn't had the baby by then, the bus would knock her right out of me. I hadn't had her, and the bus only made me HORRIBLY nauseaus. I was induced on February 9. Tom and I were unable to sleep at all, so we were up watching a movie of my nephew, Hunter, when the hospital called just before 6 AM to tell us that we could come in if we came fast. We were already wide awake, so that was no problem! I ate some breakfast, because I knew that once I got to the hospital they wouldn't feed me, and I do NOT like to miss a meal. I told the nurses when I arrived that I didn't plan to miss any meals...they giggled. MY BODY CAN'T CONTRACT WITHOUT HELP! Seriously, (you will find out after the other kids have their bdays) no drugs=no contractions! At about 7:30 they start my IV, break my water, and shortly after that came the epidural. At about 12:30 I was at a 5...ONE HOUR LATER they check again, I am at a 10 and totally ready to push. As the doctor was getting ready he realized that my baby's heart was having lots of trouble bouncing back after a contraction. He said that the cord must be wrapped and we needed to use forceps. He left the room...when he got back, there wasn't time. She was crowning...three contractions later she was crying in the warmer. She had wrapped herself up three times--once around her chest, once around her upper arm, and once around her little neck. She was struggling a little, so I didn't get to hold her for the first couple of minutes. We knew that she would either be Emma or Victoria. Emma was too mild for a child that can cause so much trouble before she even arrives, so Victoria it was. At 1:50 PM she was there, healthy, happy, and I was HUNGRY! Lunch is served until 2...told you I don't like to miss a meal!

Now, a little about who she is five years later. She is starting to read and sound words out when she tries to write. She LOVES school and learning and can't wait for kindergarten. She is smart, funny, creative, stubborn, and a little moody. She is a performer and holds regular concerts! She is a clean little thing that likes to stay neat, but will play (carefully) in the dirt. Her favorite color recently changed from blue to pink. Her favorite movie is Wizard of Oz, favorite book is Junie B. Jones. My favorite things about her are her willingness to help (especially with Owen), and her motherly nature. She is so sweet, and is gaining confidence and personality by the truck load!


This Girl said...

Happy Birthday Tori!! Feb. 9th is a great day to have a birthday!